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Common Questions

How long does it take to adjust to new dentures?

Dentures are an artificial substitute for your natural teeth, and as such they will feel strange at first. Some patients may feel comfortable in a week, while others will require a considerably longer period of time. There is no specific time set, as each patient has their own set of circumstances. Be patient; keep wearing your dentures and you will eventually master them.

Will dentures affect eating?

You should not expect to eat steak after leaving the denturist office. At first, eat soft foods and food that has been cut into small pieces. Chew slowly. As time passes you will become more familiar with your dentures and should be able to eat almost anything you like.

Will my speech be affected?

You may notice a slight difference in your speech. Lisping is not unusual. Don’t worry; your normal speech will return soon. Reading a book or magazine aloud is an excellent exercise and will speed up your progress in learning how to speak with your new dentures.

Should I wear my dentures all the time, day and night?

A denture is an artificial appliance that is fitted against living tissue. It is best to give that tissue a chance to rest occasionally without pressure on it. Therefore, it is recommended that your dentures be removed for some part of the day or night, at least once a day. It is recommended that you brush your mouth and gums with a soft toothbrush to stimulate circulation and maintain healthy tissue.

How long will my dentures last?

With normal use your dentures should last about 5 to 10 years, although it is recommended that you replace them about every 5 to 7 years. Tissues in your mouth undergo constant change; bone and gum ridges can recede, causing a loose-fitting denture. This can throw your denture out of alignment, making adjustments or replacement of your dentures necessary.

Will I have to go back to the denturist once I have my teeth extracted and dentures made?

A denture is an artificial appliance comparable to eyeglasses. When you get new glasses you go for periodic checkups, with the understanding that you may need a new pair every 2 years. With dentures, the tissues in your mouth are constantly changing and can influence the fit and comfort of your dentures. You should have your dentures checked at least once every 2 years in order to monitor these changes.

Will I have to have my new dentures adjusted?

Some soreness is expected in the first few weeks of wearing your new dentures. If you find that you are experiencing pain that you cannot tolerate or is uncomfortable, call your denturist to arrange an appointment for an adjustment. This entails grinding away some of the pink base material so that a more comfortable fit can be achieved.

How much do dentures cost?

All dentures are basically the same in composition. The denture is made up of two components, the denture base (the pink part) and the denture teeth. There are different grades of acrylic (plastic) teeth, from soft to hard, as well as porcelain teeth, which are hardest of all. The differences in tooth selection will contribute to the cost of the denture, as well as affecting how long the teeth will last. The different techniques used to construct a denture make up the largest part of the cost, as well as the quality of the finished product. Your choice of treatment may affect the way your dentures fit.

How should I clean my dentures?

It is important to clean your dentures at least twice a day. This will prevent the build-up of tartar and calculus. Methods for cleaning your dentures include:

•  Soaking: A good denture cleaner, such as Nudent or Renew, will remove stains and tartar without the

    need for much brushing.

•  Brushing: Use a soft denture brush to minimize scratching of your dentures. When brushing it is

    acceptable to use a mild soap, such as dish detergent, for cleaning.

•  Ultrasonic Unit: This small unit cleans by converting electrical energy into sound waves. A fluid

    implodes into millions of sub-microscopic vacuum bubbles, which bombard and dislodge debris from

    your denture.

Note: Brushing too vigorously with a brush that is too hard can damage the outer polished surface of the denture. Excessive brushing on the inside (tissue side) of the denture will also, in time, alter the inside shape of the denture and affect the fit

Tips on how to look after your gums and remaining natural teeth

Here are some ways to properly care for your gums and teeth when you have dentures:

•  With a soft brush, soft cloth, or your finger, lightly massage your gums and brush your tongue.

•  Floss and brush your remaining natural teeth at least twice a day.

•  Occasionally rinse with a saline solution (salt water), especially if you have a canker, as this will

    speed up healing. If your denture is causing an irritation, a simple adjustment will often remedy

    the situation.

•  Examine your mouth at least once per month for anything out of the ordinary. If you have a concern,

    consult with a denturist or dentist. If necessary, you may be referred to an oral pathologist.

Note: Your remaining ridges may be the last dental structure you have. It is, therefore, important to

    care for them. Your ridges can be kept in good health by:

•  Practicing good oral hygiene

•  Leaving your dentures out at night, or for a period of time during the day

•  Avoiding chewing on your front teeth

•  Maintaining an adequate diet

•  Having any necessary adjustments done to your dentures without delay


Don't suffer another moment with ill-fitting dentures. Contact us for an appointment!

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